Fancy joining our new Frenchic Paint upcycling club…enjoy a weekly 2 hour class of mindful painting, chatting and drinking tea with the added bonus of going home having learned a new technique using Frenchic products. Come along with a small project you are working on. We have a variety of Frenchic paint colours open or pre-order a specific colour you want to work on during the session…All pre-ordered or products purchased during the sessions will receive a 5% discount.
Workshops will run in 5 weekly blocks, £100 per block (only £20 per session), maximum of 4 students per session. Weekly workshops will suit students who have previously attended one of our workshops or have a good knowledge of upcycling. Contact Tracey for more information or to book yourself in.
Five sessions, 10am to midday:
23rd Jan
30th Jan
6th Feb
13th Feb
20th Feb
Five sessions, 10am to midday:
27th Feb
6th March
13th March
20th March
27th March
Happy painting!
Tracey x